PUBLIC STATEMENT regarding the proposed budget cuts for NGOs in culture in Slovenia

Considering the recent proposed budgetary amendments the government of the Republic of Slovenia has confirmed for 2022 and 2023 and put to the vote of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, Kooperativa – Regional Platform for Culture has sent its letter of support for the civil sector in the field of arts and… Continue reading PUBLIC STATEMENT regarding the proposed budget cuts for NGOs in culture in Slovenia

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Kooperativa Assembly in Skopje

After two years of meeting online due to the coronavirus pandemic, Kooperativa held its Assembly live is Skopje between October 11 and 13. The intense work at the Assembly resulted in a three-year strategy. Besides that, we are happy to announce that we accepted two organisations from Kosovo as our new members: Anibar and Autostrada… Continue reading Kooperativa Assembly in Skopje

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Open Calls for REG.Lab Mentorship and Twinning Programs Extended!

We are happy to announce that your organisation still has the opportunity to join our REG.Lab Mentorship and Twinning programs! * * * The Twinning Program focuses on bringing together two organizations from different countries and are active in the field of art and culture to work closely for a period of time and create a… Continue reading Open Calls for REG.Lab Mentorship and Twinning Programs Extended!

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The conditions and requirements for the job vacancy for the Program and PR Associate can be found in the text below. Kooperativa – regionalna platforma za kulturu raspisuje Natječaj za zapošljavanje na određeno nepuno radno vrijeme na radnom mjestu Programski i PR suradnik/ica organizacije s početkom rada 1. studenoga 2021. Tražimo pouzdanog/u suradnika/cu za poslove programskog… Continue reading KOOPERATIVA IS LOOKING FOR A PROGRAM AND PR ASSOCIATE

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REG.Lab Mentorship program – Call for applications

We are inviting you to apply for the Mentorship Program to expand your knowledge and skills needed for successful implementation of transnational cultural programs (digital tools, audience engagement, technical production, innovative management models, advanced international programing etc.). The Mentorship Program is part of the project Regional Lab: New Culture Spaces and Networks as drivers of an… Continue reading REG.Lab Mentorship program – Call for applications

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List of Mentors for the Mentorship Programme

Ana Kutleša (1985, Croatia) is a member of BLOK, curatorial collective based in Zagreb. Within BLOK she co-curated and co-produced 6 editions of UrbanFestival, an annual program of public art. From 2015 she has been co-running BAZA, BLOK’s venue for art and activism situated in the neighborhood of Trešnjevka. She co-curated and managed a variety of projects… Continue reading List of Mentors for the Mentorship Programme

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Kooperativa’s Visit to Kosovo

From July 25 to 29, members of the previous and the new Management Board of Kooperativa visited Kosovo for a series of productive meetings. The central part of the visit was the meeting dedicated to the revision of Kooperativa’s Development Strategy 2019-2021 and the creation of a new one. Our representatives also visited our members… Continue reading Kooperativa’s Visit to Kosovo

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Meeting With Mr Liburn Jupolli in Prishtina

On Tuesday, July 27, our representatives Milica Pekić (Kiosk Platform for Contemporary Art), Davor Mišković (President of the Management Board), Vullnet Sanaja (Board member) and Tihana Pupovac (platform coordinator) met in Prishtina with Mr Liburn Jupolli, Political advisor at the Republic of Kosovo’s Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. During the meeting we presented the… Continue reading Meeting With Mr Liburn Jupolli in Prishtina

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Kooperativa Has a New Management Board

We are pleased to announce that we elected a new Management Board, with four new members bringing wonderful experience and expertise from their respective cultural fields into the leadership of our platform. The Electoral Assembly was held online on Thursday, June 24, with 19 representatives of our member-organizations present. The agenda included a tribute to… Continue reading Kooperativa Has a New Management Board

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