About the program
Regional Cultural Action Laboratory – or Reg Lab – is Kooperativa’s program, envisioned to help and support independent cultural organizations and initiatives in Southeast Europe (SEE). The program is aimed at helping organizations and initiatives in crisis and emergency situations by supporting urgent reactions, campaigns and activist actions. The program also aims to empower independent cultural actors’ advocacy activities.
Reg Lab provides solidarity support to organizations and initiatives focused on building advocacy capacities of the independent cultural scene. Besides financial support, the program offers Kooperativa’s support and expertise.
How can the Program help independent cultural actors in the Region?
Reg Lab aims to help independent cultural actors in the Region with:
~ Emergency reactions to crisis situations that endanger the position of independent culture;
~ Planning, organizing and implementing advocacy activities (public appearances, meetings with decision makers, visibility actions, campaigns etc.);
~ Building and developing coalitions of cultural and other actors at the local and national level
~ Developing and implementing different partnership and networking models between independent cultural actors with the aim to strengthen advocacy activities;
~ Implementation of smaller-scale research works aimed at the development of advocacy activities;
~ Knowledge and experience exchange.
The Program Priority is to support the actors from underdeveloped independent cultural scenes, as well as to support emergency and ad hoc campaigns and activities directed towards strengthening local, regional, national and international networks.
What types of activities the Reg Lab supports?
Activities should be directed at strengthening independent cultural actors’ capacities for advocacy, developing cooperation between actors from complementary areas of work for the purposes of advocacy, implementing shorter research relating to the development of advocacy activities, as well as planning, organizing and implementing public advocacy activities in the countries in the region.
Organizations can apply for support in one or more stated fields of activity, having in mind the context and specific circumstances.
What types of activities the Reg Lab does not support?
Reg Lab does not support regular activities of the organisations nor is it designed as a matching fund for existing and ongoing programs as well as project activities. The program does not support individual organisations in their work, but rather open and inclusive practices involving numerous actors and advocacy efforts for the improvement of the position of the wider independent cultural scene.
The main purpose of the program is to support types of activities usually not supported by donors and to provide resources to tackle emergency situations.
How will our program help in establishing the cooperation?
Kooperativa has a limited fund for this Program, thus we kindly ask organizations in need of our help or support to fill out a short questionnaire form available here so that we can determine whether we can provide help or support.
Information from the questionnaire will be reviewed by our Managing Board which will make the final decision on the selection of supported activities. Each questionnaire will be reviewed separately and the organizations will be contacted within a month.
Once a cooperation within the Program is established, what’s next?
The program’s coordination team will, in close cooperation with each organization, discuss details related to goals, methods, and the steps necessary for launching new or improving existing advocacy processes.
You can describe your need for support within the Regional Action Laboratory by filling out the questionnaire here.
Have further questions, suggestions, clarifications?
E-mail us at: platforma.kooperativa@gmail.com