HEADQUARTERS:Lumbardhi Cinema, Remzi Ademaj str 420000 PrizrenKosovo EMAIL: info@lumbardhi.org WEBSITE: http://www.lumbardhi.org/ Lumbardhi Foundation was initiated in 2015 after the campaign which made Lumbardhi Cinema a heritage site and stopped its privatisation and demolition. Since then, it led the activation, revitalisation and participatory visioning of the cinema, which became home to screenings, performances, exhibitions, workshops and… Continue reading Lumbardhi Foundation
Tag: Prizren
HEADQUARTERS:Marin Barleti st. nn/Europa Center20000 PrizrenKosovo EMAIL: info@dokufest.com WEBSITE: http://www.dokufest.com/ DokuFest, International Documentary and Short Film Festival, is the largest film festival in Kosovo. Each year the festival brings to the cinemas and improvised screening venues around historic center of Prizren a selection of more than 200 hand-picked films from around the world. Known for… Continue reading DokuFest
Autostrada Biennale
HEADQUARTERS:Prizren, Kosovo Autostrada Biennale started in Prizren, Kosovo, in 2014, with its first edition opening in 2017. It was built on the need for more cultural exchange in the region and with the world. It was always imagined as a connecting point, a route on the map of the Western Balkans. As the only contemporary… Continue reading Autostrada Biennale