
The fifth regular session of the Assembly of Kooperativa – Regional platform for culture took place in Belgrade January 17-20 2016. A part of the Assembly was dedicated to the presentations and discussions about the programmes proposed for the implementation through the platform as a part of a Pilot programme of exchange and cooperation in the Region. After discussions, members of the Assembly decided on the implementation of the programmes through mutual process of evaluation and decision-making. 

Programmes that will be implemented through the platform January 2016 – March 2017.:

City Spaces – Spaces for Citizens 
Lead Partner: Expeditio, CG 
Partners: Mikro Art (Ministarstvo prostora), RS; Savez udruga Operacija grad, RH 
Associate: IPop – Inštitut za politike prostora, SLO

Poetics of Radical Publishing
Lead Partners: Kontrapunkt, MK
Partners: Multimedijalni institut, RH; Centar za nove medije_kuda.org, RS 

Extravagant Bodies – Crime and Punishment
Lead Partner: Kiosk, RS
Partners: Kontejner, RH; Kontrapunkt MK 

Archive as Practice
Lead Partner: SEE.cult.org, RS
Partners: Kurziv, RH; Kulturtreger, RH; SCCA – Ljubljana, SLO; Qendra Multimedia, KOS 

Nomad Dance Institute (Programme of Nomad Dance Academy)
Lead Partner: Lokomotiva, MK
Partners: Nomad Dance Academy, SLO; Tala, RH; Stanica, RS
Associate: Nomad Dance Academy, BG

Corners Balkans
Lead Partner: Exodos Ljubljana, SLO
Partners: Drugo more, RH; Fond B92/Rex, RS
Associate: POGON – Zagrebački centar za nezavisnu kulturu i mlade, RH 

From Diaspora to Diversities
Lead Partner: Remont, RS
Partners: NGO Esperanza, MK; Institut za suvremenu umjetnost, RH
Associate: KunstOst, AT 

The Socio-economic Status and the Lifestyle/Workstyle of the Employed/Engaged in the Civic Cultural Sector of SEE
Lead Partner: Asocijacija NKSS, RS
Partners: Asociacija, SI; Expeditio, CG; Crvena, BiH; Centre for Research and Gender Policy, KOS; Contemporary Arts Centre (CAC), MK 

Traces of Struggle
Lead Partners: Ploštad sloboda, MK
Partners: Kreativni sindikat, RH; Teorija koja hoda, RS 

I Can’t Sleep at Night – participatory theatre in synergy with development of new drama
Lead Partner: Media Artes, MK
Partners: Centar E8, RS; FEDRA teatar, BiH 

Building Common Platform for Balkan Arts and Business Forum
Lead Partner: Asociacija, SLO
Partners: Centar za empirijske studije kulture jugoistočne Evrope, RS; JADRO, MK; Crvena, BiH 

Audience is Looking at You
Lead Partner: MKC Bitola, MK
Partners: OKC Abrašević, BiH; Asocijacija NKSS, RS 

The fifth regular session of the Assembly of Kooperativa – Regional platform for culture took place in Belgrade January 17-20 2016. A part of the Assembly was dedicated to the presentations and discussions about the programmes proposed for the implementation through the platform as a part of a Pilot programme of exchange and cooperation in the Region. After discussions, members of the Assembly decided on the implementation of the programmes through mutual process of evaluation and decision-making. 

Programmes that will be implemented through the platform January 2016 – March 2017.:

City Spaces – Spaces for Citizens 
Lead Partner: Expeditio, CG 
Partners: Mikro Art (Ministarstvo prostora), RS; Savez udruga Operacija grad, RH 
Associate: IPop – Inštitut za politike prostora, SLO

Poetics of Radical Publishing
Lead Partners: Kontrapunkt, MK
Partners: Multimedijalni institut, RH; Centar za nove medije_kuda.org, RS 

Extravagant Bodies – Crime and Punishment
Lead Partner: Kiosk, RS
Partners: Kontejner, RH; Kontrapunkt MK 

Archive as Practice
Lead Partner: SEE.cult.org, RS
Partners: Kurziv, RH; Kulturtreger, RH; SCCA – Ljubljana, SLO; Qendra Multimedia, KOS 

Nomad Dance Institute (Programme of Nomad Dance Academy)
Lead Partner: Lokomotiva, MK
Partners: Nomad Dance Academy, SLO; Tala, RH; Stanica, RS
Associate: Nomad Dance Academy, BG

Corners Balkans
Lead Partner: Exodos Ljubljana, SLO
Partners: Drugo more, RH; Fond B92/Rex, RS
Associate: POGON – Zagrebački centar za nezavisnu kulturu i mlade, RH 

From Diaspora to Diversities
Lead Partner: Remont, RS
Partners: NGO Esperanza, MK; Institut za suvremenu umjetnost, RH
Associate: KunstOst, AT 

The Socio-economic Status and the Lifestyle/Workstyle of the Employed/Engaged in the Civic Cultural Sector of SEE
Lead Partner: Asocijacija NKSS, RS
Partners: Asociacija, SI; Expeditio, CG; Crvena, BiH; Centre for Research and Gender Policy, KOS; Contemporary Arts Centre (CAC), MK 

Traces of Struggle
Lead Partners: Ploštad sloboda, MK
Partners: Kreativni sindikat, RH; Teorija koja hoda, RS 

I Can’t Sleep at Night – participatory theatre in synergy with development of new drama
Lead Partner: Media Artes, MK
Partners: Centar E8, RS; FEDRA teatar, BiH 

Building Common Platform for Balkan Arts and Business Forum
Lead Partner: Asociacija, SLO
Partners: Centar za empirijske studije kulture jugoistočne Evrope, RS; JADRO, MK; Crvena, BiH 

Audience is Looking at You
Lead Partner: MKC Bitola, MK
Partners: OKC Abrašević, BiH; Asocijacija NKSS, RS