
U nastavku donosimo tekst Javnog poziva za prijave na Ljetnu školu u Ohridu (Sjeverna Makedonija) na temu inovativnih i participativnih modela donošenja odluka i upravljanja, demokratizacije javne infrastrukture u kulturi i zagovaranja za kulturne politike usmjerene prema zajednici.


Have you been working or active in your local community and are interested in transforming your cultural surroundings? Would you like to learn how to work and organize from the bottom up by exchanging experiences and views with like-minded peers from Southeast Europe (SEE)?

We invite you to apply for the 2022 Ohrid Summer School and learn more about how to democratize cultural public infrastructure and advocate for community oriented cultural policies.

We accept applications from cultural workers, researchers, artists, curators, activists, educators and other practitioners from SEE for the “Liquid Frameworks, Solid Institutions – building participation from the bottom up” Summer School in Ohrid dealing with participatory governance in culture. 


11 / 07 / 2022


Working days
19 — 23 / 09 / 2022 

18 / 09 / 2022

24 / 09 / 2022

Ohrid, North Macedonia


“Liquid Frameworks, Solid Institutions — building participation from the bottom up” Summer School in Ohrid will gather participants from Southeast Europe and the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia), and more than 20 regional and international experts and lecturers. The program of the Summer School will combine peer-to-peer workshops, lectures, presentations of experiences, plenary sessions, panel discussions, discussion groups, reading groups and working groups. The overarching goal of the Summer School is to build the capacities of civil society organizations (CSOs) in SEE while developing and advocating for innovative models of civic-public partnership, participatory governance, active citizenship and emancipatory institutional transformation.

The program of the Summer school will focus on:

1. Introduction to participatory governance

2. Democratization of cultural public infrastructure: public goods / commons

3. Practices of civic-public partnerships in Southeast Europe



To apply to the Summer School, please fill out this Google Form until 11 / 07 / 2022.

If you have any questions regarding this open call and the program of the Summer School, please contact valentina@operacijagrad.net

Applicants will be notified about the selection results by the 25th of July.


By applying to the Summer School program, you agree to the following terms and conditions: 

~ available for the introductory Zoom meeting with the Summer School team after the selection process

~ commit to participate full-time in the program of the Summer School in Ohrid (see dates in the timeline paragraph — chapter bellow)

~ guarantee that no other pre-existing commitments will interrupt or prevent full-time participation in the Summer School program 

~ working language is English

~ we will be selecting max 35 participants

~ tuition free program with covered travel, food and accommodation costs


13 / 06 / 2022 — 11 / 07 / 2022
Open call

07 / 2022

11 / 07 / 2022 — 25 / 07 / 2022
Selection of participants 

08 / 2022 
Introductory zoom meeting with participants (to be defined in communication with the participants)

01 / 09 / 2022 — 15 / 09 / 2022
Reading group preparations (each participant individually goes through the prepared literature before the School)

19 — 23 / 09 / 2022


~ all the information regarding the Summer School will be available on the official website of the Summer School which will be launched in July

~ during the introductory Zoom meeting, we will guide you through the Intraweb and let you know how to use it in preparation for your participation in the Summer School 


⟶ Kooperativa – Regional Platform for Culture

Kooperativa – Regional Platform for Culture is a non-governmental, non-party, and non-profit association of legal entities, that is, a regional network of organizations and national networks working in the field of independent culture and contemporary art in Southeast Europe (SEE). Jointly founded by 21 independent cultural organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia, the platform currently has 38 active members, active in all areas of contemporary cultural and artistic practices. Kooperativa provides mechanisms of peer-to-peer support, knowledge production and exchange, collective actions and program cooperation, and is committed to improving working conditions within the civil sector in contemporary arts and culture.

About Kooperativa.

⟶ Operation City

Operation City was established with the goal of fostering independent culture and youth by organizing cultural programmes and manifestations, public debates, educational and research programmes and publishing. The alliance gathers organizations and individuals, artists, cultural workers, activists, experts etc. and it currently has 27 members. In 2008 Operation City, jointly with the City of Zagreb, established Pogon – Zagreb Centre for Independent Culture and Youth, on the principles on civil-public partnership, and Pogon became the first institution in Croatia and the Region that was established based on a participative governance model. The work of Operation City is aimed at finding sustainable and innovative models of governing of the public infrastructure by actively involving different stakeholders and by collaborative processes of creating and implementing said models.

About Operation City

⟶ Jadro
Jadro – Association of Independent Cultural Scene is a non-profit, inclusive, participatory and advocacy platform that seeks to strengthen the independent cultural sector and its impact on the creation and practice of cultural policies, while fostering processes of democratization in culture, civil sector and society in general. The main activities of the association are aimed at providing wider visibility and social relevance of the independent cultural sector through continuous representation of program activities, advocating for sustainable development of the sector, strengthening its impact in the social context and developing alternative cultural practices at national, local and regional level. The cultural workers united in JADRO advocate for implementation of contemporary cultural practices and redefining the existing cultural policies that are exclusive and retrograde in relation to the independent cultural sector. We want to see in the near future the independent cultural sector in N. Macedonia as a sustainable, visible and inclusive social and political factor, which proactively participates in the socio-cultural processes.

U nastavku donosimo tekst Javnog poziva za prijave na Ljetnu školu u Ohridu (Sjeverna Makedonija) na temu inovativnih i participativnih modela donošenja odluka i upravljanja, demokratizacije javne infrastrukture u kulturi i zagovaranja za kulturne politike usmjerene prema zajednici.


Have you been working or active in your local community and are interested in transforming your cultural surroundings? Would you like to learn how to work and organize from the bottom up by exchanging experiences and views with like-minded peers from Southeast Europe (SEE)?

We invite you to apply for the 2022 Ohrid Summer School and learn more about how to democratize cultural public infrastructure and advocate for community oriented cultural policies.

We accept applications from cultural workers, researchers, artists, curators, activists, educators and other practitioners from SEE for the “Liquid Frameworks, Solid Institutions – building participation from the bottom up” Summer School in Ohrid dealing with participatory governance in culture. 


11 / 07 / 2022


Working days
19 — 23 / 09 / 2022 

18 / 09 / 2022

24 / 09 / 2022

Ohrid, North Macedonia


“Liquid Frameworks, Solid Institutions — building participation from the bottom up” Summer School in Ohrid will gather participants from Southeast Europe and the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia), and more than 20 regional and international experts and lecturers. The program of the Summer School will combine peer-to-peer workshops, lectures, presentations of experiences, plenary sessions, panel discussions, discussion groups, reading groups and working groups. The overarching goal of the Summer School is to build the capacities of civil society organizations (CSOs) in SEE while developing and advocating for innovative models of civic-public partnership, participatory governance, active citizenship and emancipatory institutional transformation.

The program of the Summer school will focus on:

1. Introduction to participatory governance

2. Democratization of cultural public infrastructure: public goods / commons

3. Practices of civic-public partnerships in Southeast Europe



To apply to the Summer School, please fill out this Google Form until 11 / 07 / 2022.

If you have any questions regarding this open call and the program of the Summer School, please contact valentina@operacijagrad.net

Applicants will be notified about the selection results by the 25th of July.


By applying to the Summer School program, you agree to the following terms and conditions: 

~ available for the introductory Zoom meeting with the Summer School team after the selection process

~ commit to participate full-time in the program of the Summer School in Ohrid (see dates in the timeline paragraph — chapter bellow)

~ guarantee that no other pre-existing commitments will interrupt or prevent full-time participation in the Summer School program 

~ working language is English

~ we will be selecting max 35 participants

~ tuition free program with covered travel, food and accommodation costs


13 / 06 / 2022 — 11 / 07 / 2022
Open call

07 / 2022

11 / 07 / 2022 — 25 / 07 / 2022
Selection of participants 

08 / 2022 
Introductory zoom meeting with participants (to be defined in communication with the participants)

01 / 09 / 2022 — 15 / 09 / 2022
Reading group preparations (each participant individually goes through the prepared literature before the School)

19 — 23 / 09 / 2022


~ all the information regarding the Summer School will be available on the official website of the Summer School which will be launched in July

~ during the introductory Zoom meeting, we will guide you through the Intraweb and let you know how to use it in preparation for your participation in the Summer School 


⟶ Kooperativa – Regional Platform for Culture

Kooperativa – Regional Platform for Culture is a non-governmental, non-party, and non-profit association of legal entities, that is, a regional network of organizations and national networks working in the field of independent culture and contemporary art in Southeast Europe (SEE). Jointly founded by 21 independent cultural organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia, the platform currently has 38 active members, active in all areas of contemporary cultural and artistic practices. Kooperativa provides mechanisms of peer-to-peer support, knowledge production and exchange, collective actions and program cooperation, and is committed to improving working conditions within the civil sector in contemporary arts and culture.

About Kooperativa.

⟶ Operation City

Operation City was established with the goal of fostering independent culture and youth by organizing cultural programmes and manifestations, public debates, educational and research programmes and publishing. The alliance gathers organizations and individuals, artists, cultural workers, activists, experts etc. and it currently has 27 members. In 2008 Operation City, jointly with the City of Zagreb, established Pogon – Zagreb Centre for Independent Culture and Youth, on the principles on civil-public partnership, and Pogon became the first institution in Croatia and the Region that was established based on a participative governance model. The work of Operation City is aimed at finding sustainable and innovative models of governing of the public infrastructure by actively involving different stakeholders and by collaborative processes of creating and implementing said models.

About Operation City

⟶ Jadro
Jadro – Association of Independent Cultural Scene is a non-profit, inclusive, participatory and advocacy platform that seeks to strengthen the independent cultural sector and its impact on the creation and practice of cultural policies, while fostering processes of democratization in culture, civil sector and society in general. The main activities of the association are aimed at providing wider visibility and social relevance of the independent cultural sector through continuous representation of program activities, advocating for sustainable development of the sector, strengthening its impact in the social context and developing alternative cultural practices at national, local and regional level. The cultural workers united in JADRO advocate for implementation of contemporary cultural practices and redefining the existing cultural policies that are exclusive and retrograde in relation to the independent cultural sector. We want to see in the near future the independent cultural sector in N. Macedonia as a sustainable, visible and inclusive social and political factor, which proactively participates in the socio-cultural processes.