Iva Čukić

Iva Čukić graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade where she earned her PhD in urban planning. The areas of her research include urban commons and urban transformation, which she pursues through intersecting academic and activist perspective. She actively works with the community – supporting local initiatives in their efforts to address spatial issues and… Continue reading Iva Čukić

Pascal Gielen

Pascal Gielen (1970) is full professor of sociology of culture and politics at the Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (Antwerp University – Belgium) where he leads the Culture Commons Quest Office (CCQO). Gielen is editor of the international book series Antennae – Arts in Society (Valiz). In 2016 he became laureate of the Odysseus… Continue reading Pascal Gielen

Dea Vidović

Dea Vidović is the Director of Kultura Nova Foundation, a public foundation dedicated to civil society organizations in contemporary arts and culture in Croatia. For more than twenty years she has been professionally engaged in culture & cultural policy, civil society and philanthropy, and has worked as a manager, editor, journalist and researcher. She is… Continue reading Dea Vidović


IMPRESSUM “Liquid Frameworks, Solid Institutions — building participation from the bottom up” Summer School in Ohrid is an educational format that combines peer to peer workshops, lectures, presentations of experiences, debates, discussions and working groups with the topic of innovative participatory models of governance. The school takes place as part of the “Regional Lab: New… Continue reading Impressum


CONTACT VALENTINA NEDELJKO Operation City — organizer +385 98 345 796valentina@operacijagrad.net TIJANA-ANA SPASOVSKAJADRO — organizer +389 71 374 951tijana.ana.s@gmail.com DEJAN KOŠĆAKKOOPERATIVA — organizer +385 91 5767 995dejan@platforma-kooperativa.org


FOOD HOTEL SILEKSSv. Stefan, Ohrid, Macedonia • breakfast, lunch and dinner are included in the Summer School program and organised in the Hotel Sileks BAR AND RESTAURANTS RECOMMENDATIONS • The HarbouR ClubKej Makedonija, Ohrid • BelvedereMacedonia, 2, Ohrid • Irish Pub DublinKej Makedonija, Ohrid • AlexandrijaKosta Abrash 3, Ohrid • NOA Lounge BarKosta Abrash 38,… Continue reading Food


TRAVEL SKOPJE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTBosphorus Street, No. 1, Mralino, 1041 Ilinden • all speakers and participants arriving to and departing from this airport will have organised transportation from Skopje to Ohrid and vice versa OHRID BUS STATIONKlenoec, Ohrid, North Macedonia • all speakers and participants arriving to and departing from this station will be picked up… Continue reading Travel


ACCOMODATION HOTEL SILEKSSv. Stefan, Ohrid, Macedonia • WEBSITE: https://hotelsileks.mk/en• EMAIL: info@hotelsileks.mk• CONTACT: +389 46 277 300

Civic-public Partnerships

PILLAR 3: PRACTICES OF CIVIC-PUBLIC PARTNERSHIPS IN SOUTHEAST EUROPE READING GROUP MATIJA MRAKOVČIĆ Civic-public partnerships • Civil-Public Partnership: A Potential for a Transformative Cultural Policy; in: Culture as a Factor in Democratisation: Practices, Collaborations and Work Models of the Independent Cultural Scene (Kurziv, 2021), ed. I. Pejić and M. Mrakovčić; pg. 60-72• Key terms and… Continue reading Civic-public Partnerships